Teeth whitening
Teeth whitening
We offer Coventional Teeth whitening and also offer Premier Teeth Whitening.
Not happy with the colour of your teeth?
Enlighten Teeth Whitening
The premium Teeth Whitening treatments are provided by using the best of the best kit provided by Enlighten. Enlighten is widely acknowledged as most effective whitening system in the world. It’s the only one that gaurentees a Vita Shade B1 for every patient and it has a 98% success rate. Enlgithen can whiten teeth upto 16 shades. The cost of Enlighten teeth whitening is £600. To discuss or book please email us on contact@ursmile.co.uk or submit the form underneath and we will get in touch as soon as possible.
Conventional Teeth Whitening by Boutique and Pola Systems
These are the most commonly prescribed teeth whitening systems and will routinely acheive 4- 6 shade improvements. The cost of routine teeth whitening is on offer for £290* ( £240 for Plan members*) . To discuss or book please email us on contact@ursmile.co.uk or submit the form underneath and we will get in touch as soon as possible. Please see attached Boutique After care booklet and patient instructions. Please see the link for consent form. (*Limited time only).

#Teethwhitening #Enlightenwhitening #Boutiquewhitening #Hometeethwhitening #Professionalteethwhitening
- #Cosmeticdentistry #Dentalaesthetics #Brighteningsmiles #Whiteningtrays #Whiteninggel #Peroxide-basedwhitening #At-homewhiteningkits #Toothdiscolorationtreatment #Dentalstainsremoval #Safeteethwhitening #Enhancedsmile #Dentalwhiteningsolutions
Make Sure Your Teeth
Whitening is Legal
Teeth whitening first appointment is consultation and a deposit towards teeth whiteing is requested to confirm the appointment.